Our Sticker Mule bliss

the astrology clip

Sticker Mule X The Horse Barber – January 2024


Many people have been asking me how I made these stickers, how did I make them so shiny and get the colours to shimmer the way they do?! Well, truth be told I didn’t make them myself, I found them through a Google search.  The company is Sticker Mule  (FYI I chose the Hologram sticker, so if you are looking for the colours to shimmer like ours, it needs to be hologram option, but they have others you can choose from too) I am based in the UK and I wasn’t entirely sure where they were coming from, but the postal stamp told me that they had come from Sticker Mules Italy location!  (I believe they have several locations worldwide).

I first ordered mine back in January 2021, right when the borders of were France closed to travel in and out of the UK during the you-know-what-time . I remember watching the news and seeing all the lorries and thinking, is my parcel in there I wonder! So there was a slight delay in getting my parcel which really isn’t a problem in the grand scheme of things. However a couple of weeks later when the stickers arrived I was pleasantly surprised as they were everything I had hoped for and more! (I am still using them as I write this nearly 3 years later!)  If you want to order some of your own Sticker Mule is where you need to go and please tag me in your orders – I would love to see them!


the astrology clip
the astrology clip


I still have a few stickers left and as a thank you to my friends and followers I have been posting them out, so please do pop me a message and I’m happy to post you one!

So far I have posted stickers out to our friends and supporters in the UK, Spain, Ireland, America and Brazil , ironically my friends portal_dos_tosadores in Brazil shave actual real life Mules – the latter post should be arriving any day now and I cant wait to see our stickers in action in Brazil!

I also ordered a batch of large personalised mailing bags to use for posting various items and clothing last year. I however have ended up using them for sending off my equipment for servicing as the bags are robust, waterproof and don’t break so it’s been handy having this supply in my draw for the past year. I am about to run out so will be ordering some more soon! 

Lastly I ordered the mini badges – they are the cutest little things and I love how they turned out. I have been giving these out both in the UK & USA in the past couple of years, they are a nice touch especially for the younger audience that attend my clipping demonstrations. Romeo was having a good nosy at them, he is the chestnut horse on the black badge sporting the Armour De L’amore Clip!

Whats next? For all the people who are wanting to learn how to clip horses, we now have the first of its kind, online horse clipping course for Budding Horse Barbers for you to sign up to! Click on the menu and you will see our ‘Courses’ option where you can read all about it!


Thank you for reading, and feel free to have a nosy around on the rest of our website to view all things Horse Barber & horse clipping – Melody x

Our brand on the mailing bags they look so cute!

the astrology clip
the astrology clip

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