Cozy Clipped Horses: Our Secret!
‘Does your horse not get cold now you have clipped him?’ This is one of the most common questions I receive on social media, often from non-equestrians, asking how do we keep horses warm after we have clipped their coats.
Watch the video below to learn more about what we do after clipping our horses…
Rugs Rugs & More Rugs
A commonly asked question, mainly by non-equestrians that discover The Horse Barber social media content is, ‘How do you keep the horse warm after clipping?’ or ‘Will the horse not get cold now?’
And the answer is no, so long as we look after them properly and use rugs to replace the clipped coat if we are in a cool climate. Rugs are ‘coats’ or ‘clothes’ for a horse. This video explains what we do with horses after we have clipped them, in order to keep them warm and shows you samples of rugs.. Some people are not aware of horse rugging if they are not equestrians or familiar with horses , so here is a video to show you what we do behind the scenes and the effort that goes into keeping our horses warm.
Horse rugs are actually a huge industry and buying rugs is somewhat of an addiction for me! Romeo has so many!
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